

PoINT Storage Manager

Storage management solutions like PoINT Storage Manager help to use storage systems efficiently and to keep business critical data legally compliant and fail-safe. Based on rules,…

Online, nearline, offline costs and access speed

Approximately 60 percent of all data in companies is not or only rarely used. Kept on primary storage, they waste resources in terms of storage capacity and energy. Modern data management…

HIT-Facebook Libraries

Here is a short tour around and through the box of Facebook's VP of Infrastructure Engineering Jay Parikh

ASTI / Plasmon Archive systems

Even years after Plasmon was taken over by ASTI (Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc.), INCOM still offers service for existing systems.

INCOM in a new look

INCOM website in new design

Clearer, more modern and of course "responsive". The relaunch of www.incom.de took a little longer - but as the beautiful saying goes: "What lasts long will finally be good".