Optical disk market: there are alternatives to the Taiyo Yuden retreat – speicherguide.de

The value-added distributor for storage and duplication systems from Taiyo Yuden and JVC is Incom Storage. In this context, the Bonn-based company emphasizes that all orders will be processed as usual until the end of the year, before JVC branded media stocks are sold off.

They still exist, but production will be discontinued at the end of the year: JVC optical media
They still exist, but production will be discontinued at the end of the year: JVC optical media

According to INCOM's findings there is still a high demand for high-quality CD, DVD and Blu-ray media at many professional end customers. On the discs mainly data are archived or, as in the medical field, distributed, i.e. distributed. Key for the still high acceptance in the market is the unlimited compatibility of the data media with all optical drives.

INCOM emphasizes that they will continue to offer a wide range of optical storage systems and data carriers. Optical data carriers will be continuously tested and qualified for a wide range of production and storage systems. Even after the withdrawal of Taiyo/JVC, there is still a wide range of data media available, which is far superior to the consumer media available in retail stores in terms of quality and durability.